Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   url => 'https://eisdev.elevate.at/public/artist/?shortcode=diehl' (56 chars)
   json => array(1 item)
      0 => stdClassprototypeobject
         id => public2461 (integer)
         name => public'Paula Diehl' (11 chars)
         subtitle => public'' (0 chars)
         bioShort_de => public'<p>Paula Diehl (PhD Humboldt-Universit&auml;t) ist Professorin f&uuml;r Poli
            tische Theorie, Ideengeschichte und Politische Kultur sowie Leiterin des Int
            ernational Populism Research Network an der Universit&auml;t Kiel, Deutschla
            nd. Sie hatte Gastprofessuren unter anderem an Sciences Po (Paris), der &Eac
            ute;cole des Hautes &Eacute;tudes, der Washington University (St. Louis), de
            m Institute for Advanced Studies (Bologna) und La Sapienza in Rom. Die laufe
            nden Forschungsprojekte von Diehl widmen sich dem Populismus, politischer Re
            pr&auml;sentation und dem Konzept des politischen Imagin&auml;ren. Sie ist P
            rojektleiterin des Projekts &quot;Normalizing the Far Right&quot; am Zentrum
             f&uuml;r Interdisziplin&auml;re Forschung in Bielefeld.</p>
' (744 chars) bioShort_en => public'<p>Paula Diehl (PhD Humboldt University) is Professor for Political Theory,
            History of Ideas and Political Culture and Director of the International Pop
            ulism Research Network at the University of Kiel, Germany. She held guest pr
            ofessorships, among others, at Sciences Po (Paris), &Eacute;cole des Hautes
            &Eacute;tudes, Washington University (St. Louis), Institute for Advanced Stu
            dies (Bologna) and La Sapienza in Rome. Diehl&rsquo;s current research proje
            cts are dedicated to populism, political representation, and to the concept
            of the political imaginary. She is PI of the project Normalizing the Far Rig
            ht at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Bielefeld.</p>
' (673 chars) bioLong_de => public'' (0 chars) bioLong_en => public'' (0 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discussion' (10 chars) tracks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discourse' (9 chars) year => public2024 (integer) shortcode => public'diehl' (5 chars) priority => public'99' (2 chars) country => public'de' (2 chars) playfmId => public'' (0 chars) rdbmaId => public'' (0 chars) zeroinchCode => public'Paua Diehl' (10 chars) labels => publicarray(empty) appearances => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public2709 (integer) artist => public2461 (integer) event => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public894 (integer) title => public'(Western) Democracies Under Siege: Rechtspopulismus als Gefahr für die Demo
' (82 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'panel conversation' (18 chars) shortcode => public'e24populism' (11 chars)
title => publicNULL artistOverrideName => publicNULL type => public'' (0 chars) description => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-02T16:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-02T18:00:00' (19 chars) outputOrder => public2 (integer) dailyFeatureOrder => public0 (integer) date => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public137 (integer) name => public'Sa.02.03.2024' (13 chars) date => public'2024-03-02' (10 chars) eventYear => publicNULL projectId => publicNULL description_de => public'' (0 chars) description_en => public'' (0 chars) year => public2024 (integer) location => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public85 (integer) name => public'Heimatsaal' (10 chars) geolat => public'47.075260' (9 chars) geolong => public'15.439590' (9 chars) mapUrl => public'https://maps.app.goo.gl/eeaXUfbyvLYhEjF27' (41 chars) locationUrl => public'' (0 chars) venueUrl => public'' (0 chars)
media => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public8514 (integer) path => public'/fileadmin/EIS_images/artist/2461/8514-Paula-Diehl-(c)-Uni-Kiehl.png' (68 chars) mime => public'image/png' (9 chars) notes => public'(c) Uni Kiehl' (13 chars) landscape => publicTRUE type => public'image-detail' (12 chars) links => publicarray(empty) medialinks => publicarray(empty) embedLinks => publicarray(empty) embeds => publicarray(empty) published => public'final' (5 chars)
Paula Diehl - Sprecher:innen - Elevate Festival