Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   url => 'https://eisdev.elevate.at/public/artist/?shortcode=ebner' (56 chars)
   json => array(1 item)
      0 => stdClassprototypeobject
         id => public2456 (integer)
         name => public'Julia Ebner' (11 chars)
         subtitle => public'' (0 chars)
         bioShort_de => public'<p>Julia Ebner, geboren 1991 in Wien, forscht am Institute for Strategic Dia
            logue in London sowie am Centre for the Study of Social Cohesion an der Univ
            ersit&auml;t von Oxford zu Extremismus. Als Expertin arbeitet sie mit Regier
            ungsorganisationen und Polizeiorganen zusammen, ber&auml;t UN, NATO und die
            Weltbank in Fragen des Extremismus. Der &Ouml;ffentlichkeit ist sie durch Au
            ftritte bei Markus Lanz, den Tagesthemen und dem heute-journal bekannt.</p><
            p>Ihr Buch&nbsp;<em>Radikalisierungsmaschinen</em>&nbsp;wurde 2020 als &raqu
            o;Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres&laquo; ausgezeichnet, war SPIEGEL-Bestseller
            und stand auf der Sachbuch-Bestenliste.</p>
' (651 chars) bioShort_en => public'<p>Julia Ebner, born in 1991 in Vienna, is a&nbsp;researcher&nbsp;at the Ins
            titute for Strategic Dialogue in London and at the Centre for the Study of S
            ocial Cohesion at the University of Oxford with a focus on extremism. As an
            expert, she collaborates with government organizations and law enforcement a
            gencies, providing consultation to the UN, NATO, and the World Bank on issue
            s related to extremism. She is known to the public for her appearances on Ma
            rkus Lanz, Tagesthemen, and heute-journal.</p><p>Her book &quot;The Rage: th
            e Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism&quot; was awarded as th
            e &quot;Science Book of the Year&quot; in 2020, became a SPIEGEL bestseller,
             and was featured on the non-fiction bestseller list.</p>
' (741 chars) bioLong_de => public'' (0 chars) bioLong_en => public'' (0 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discussion' (10 chars) tracks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discourse' (9 chars) year => public2024 (integer) shortcode => public'ebner' (5 chars) priority => public'99' (2 chars) country => public'at' (2 chars) playfmId => publicNULL rdbmaId => publicNULL zeroinchCode => public'Julia Ebner' (11 chars) labels => publicarray(empty) appearances => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public2704 (integer) artist => public2456 (integer) event => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public890 (integer) title => public'KI vs. Demokratie: Monster, Monopole und Machtfragen' (52 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discussion' (10 chars) shortcode => public'e24aivsdemocracy' (16 chars) title => publicNULL artistOverrideName => publicNULL type => public'' (0 chars) description => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-01T14:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-01T16:00:00' (19 chars) outputOrder => public1 (integer) dailyFeatureOrder => public0 (integer) date => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public136 (integer) name => public'Fr.01.03.2024' (13 chars) date => public'2024-03-01' (10 chars) eventYear => publicNULL projectId => publicNULL description_de => public'' (0 chars) description_en => public'' (0 chars) year => public2024 (integer) location => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public85 (integer) name => public'Heimatsaal' (10 chars) geolat => public'47.075260' (9 chars) geolong => public'15.439590' (9 chars) mapUrl => public'https://maps.app.goo.gl/eeaXUfbyvLYhEjF27' (41 chars) locationUrl => public'' (0 chars) venueUrl => public'' (0 chars) media => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public8510 (integer) path => public'/fileadmin/EIS_images/artist/2456/8510-Julia-Ebner-(c)-Suhrkamp.png' (67 chars) mime => public'image/png' (9 chars) notes => public'(c) Suhrkamp' (12 chars) landscape => publicTRUE type => public'image-detail' (12 chars) links => publicarray(empty) medialinks => publicarray(empty) embedLinks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject url => public'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4Kv6P6VII' (43 chars) type => public'video' (5 chars) title => public'' (0 chars) pri => public1 (integer) highlight => public0 (integer) content => public'<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6Y4Kv
                  6P6VII" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
' (125 chars)
embeds => publicarray(empty) published => public'final' (5 chars)
Julia Ebner - Sprecher:innen - Elevate Festival