Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   url => 'https://eisdev.elevate.at/public/artist/?shortcode=fachathaler' (62 chars)
   json => array(1 item)
      0 => stdClassprototypeobject
         id => public2413 (integer)
         name => public'Tanja Fachathaler' (17 chars)
         subtitle => public'' (0 chars)
         bioShort_de => public'<p>Tanja Fachathaler hat Rechtswissenschaften, Lateinamerikawissenschaften s
            owie Menschenrechte und Demokratisierung in Wien, Venedig und Sevilla studie
            rt. Sie verf&uuml;gt &uuml;ber mehrj&auml;hrige Erfahrung in unterschiedlich
            en Positionen in der Rechtsbranche, sowohl in &Ouml;sterreich - etwa in der
            Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit oder in einer Rechtsanwaltskanzlei - als auch in
            Br&uuml;ssel f&uuml;r Menschenrechtsorganisationen und ein Beratungsunterneh
            men mit T&auml;tigkeit f&uuml;r die EU-Institutionen. Tanja ist mehrsprachig
             und engagiert sich zudem als Wahlbeobachterin und in der Menschenrechtsbild
            ung. Seit August 2021 bringt sie ihre Erfahrung als Policy Advisor bei epice
            nter.works ein.</p>
' (703 chars) bioShort_en => public'<p>Tanja Fachathaler studied law, Latin American studies, and human rights a
            nd democratization in Vienna, Venice, and Seville. She has several years of
            experience in various positions in the legal field, both in Austria&mdash;su
            ch as in administrative courts or in a law firm&mdash;and in Brussels for hu
            man rights organizations and a consulting company working with EU institutio
            ns. Tanja is multilingual and is also involved as an election observer and i
            n human rights education. Since August 2021, she has been contributing her e
            xpertise as a Policy Advisor at epicenter.works.</p>
' (584 chars) bioLong_de => public'' (0 chars) bioLong_en => public'' (0 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'lecture' (7 chars) tracks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discourse' (9 chars) year => public2024 (integer) shortcode => public'fachathaler' (11 chars) priority => public'99' (2 chars) country => public'at' (2 chars) playfmId => publicNULL rdbmaId => publicNULL zeroinchCode => public'Tanja Fachathaler' (17 chars) labels => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject name => public'epicenter.works' (15 chars) appearances => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public2696 (integer) artist => public2413 (integer) event => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public896 (integer) title => public'Netzpolitischer Abend' (21 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'lecture' (7 chars) shortcode => public'e24netzpolitischerabend' (23 chars) title => publicNULL artistOverrideName => publicNULL type => public'' (0 chars) description => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-01T16:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-01T18:00:00' (19 chars) outputOrder => public1 (integer) dailyFeatureOrder => public0 (integer) date => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public136 (integer) name => public'Fr.01.03.2024' (13 chars) date => public'2024-03-01' (10 chars) eventYear => publicNULL projectId => publicNULL description_de => public'' (0 chars) description_en => public'' (0 chars) year => public2024 (integer) location => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public85 (integer) name => public'Heimatsaal' (10 chars) geolat => public'47.075260' (9 chars) geolong => public'15.439590' (9 chars) mapUrl => public'https://maps.app.goo.gl/eeaXUfbyvLYhEjF27' (41 chars) locationUrl => public'' (0 chars) venueUrl => public'' (0 chars) media => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public8452 (integer) path => public'/fileadmin/EIS_images/artist/2413/8452-Tanja-Fachathaler-.png' (61 chars) mime => public'image/png' (9 chars) notes => public'(c) Tanja Fachathaler ' (22 chars) landscape => publicTRUE type => public'image-detail' (12 chars) links => publicarray(2 items) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject url => public'https://twitter.com/tamafa11?lang=en' (36 chars) type => public'twitter' (7 chars) title => public'' (0 chars) pri => public1 (integer) highlight => public0 (integer) 1 => stdClassprototypeobject url => public'https://epicenter.works' (23 chars) type => public'homepage' (8 chars) title => public'' (0 chars) pri => public1 (integer) highlight => public0 (integer) medialinks => publicarray(empty) embedLinks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject url