Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   url => 'https://eisdev.elevate.at/public/event/?year=2024&trackType=discourse&shortc
' (96 chars) json => array(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public890 (integer) shortcode => public'e24aivsdemocracy' (16 chars) title_de => public'KI vs. Demokratie: Monster, Monopole und Machtfragen' (52 chars) title_en => public'AI vs. Democracy: Monsters, Monopolies, and Questions of Power' (62 chars) subTitle_de => public'Panel' (5 chars) subTitle_en => public'Panel' (5 chars) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) topics => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discussion' (10 chars) tracks => publicarray(1 item) 0 => 'discourse' (9 chars) year => public2024 (integer) locationText => publicNULL description_de => public'' (0 chars) description_en => public'' (0 chars) descriptionShort_de => public'<p><em>&ldquo;Democracy has slept, while surveillance capitalists amassed un
            precedented concentrations of knowledge and power.&rdquo; </em>Shoshana Zubo
            ff</p><p>Toxische Technologien sind heute oft nicht &ldquo;safe for work&rdq
            uo;; der EU AI Act beschreibt viele high risk Anwendungen &ndash; besonders
            gef&auml;hrdet: das demokratische Zusammenleben. Dieses Gespr&auml;ch beleuc
            htet Machtverh&auml;ltnisse zwischen Plattform&ouml;konomien, Entwicklungen
            in k&uuml;nstlicher Intelligenz und die Nutzung durch demokratiefeindliche A
            kteur:innen. Es geht um Risiken, aber auch um Potenziale, die demokratische
            Institutionen &uuml;bersehen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;Julia Ebner</strong>
            , renommierte Extremismusforscherin, bringt ihre Erfahrungen aus der Unterwa
            nderung von Extremistengruppen ein sowie die Radikalisierung zunehmend die g
            esellschaftliche Mitte erfasst und welche Rolle digitale Plattformen dabei s
            pielen.<strong> Tabea Glindemann</strong> vom Feministischen Hacker Kollekti
            v Heart of Code und AI-Beraterin, sowie <strong>J&uuml;rgen Geuter</strong>,
             &bdquo;Deutschlands pr&auml;zisester KI-Kritiker&ldquo; bekannt als &quot;t
            ante&quot;, bereichern das Panel mit Perspektiven auf den KI-Hype die die vo
            rherrschenden Narrative und die unausweichliche Zukunft, die von KI-Unterneh
            men proklamiert wird hinterfragen. Irina Nalis, Psychologin und Forscherin z
            um Digitalen Humanismus moderiert das Gespr&auml;ch &uuml;ber die Auswirkung
            en der KI auf gesellschaftliche Strukturen und demokratische Teilhabe.</p><p
            >&nbsp;</p><p>Was braucht es, um KI safe for democracy zu machen? Welche soz
            ial- und demokratievertr&auml;glichen Wirkungen k&ouml;nnte der EU AI Act au
            ch global ausl&ouml;sen?</p><p>Wie l&auml;sst sich der Einfluss von KI-geste
            uerten Plattformen auf Meinungsbildung und Radikalisierungstendenzen regulie
            ren und stattdessen f&uuml;r inklusive Demokratie produktiv nutzbar machen?&
            nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil von
             &quot;New Perspectives ...
' (3099 chars) descriptionShort_en => public'<p><em>&ldquo;Democracy has slept, while surveillance capitalists amassed un
            precedented concentrations of knowledge and power.&rdquo;</em> - Shoshana Zu
            boff</p><p>Toxic technologies today are often not &ldquo;safe for work&rdquo
            ;; the EU AI Act describes many high-risk applications - particularly endang
            ered: democratic coexistence. This conversation sheds light on power relatio
            ns between platform economies, developments in artificial intelligence, and
            their use by actors hostile to democracy. It&#39;s about risks, but also abo
            ut potentials that democratic institutions overlook.</p><p><strong>Julia Ebn
            er</strong>, a renowned extremism researcher, shares her experiences from in
            filtrating extremist groups and how radicalization increasingly affects the
            societal mainstream and the role digital platforms play in this. <strong>Tab
            ea Glindemann</strong> from the Feminist Hacker Collective Heart of Code and
             AI consultant, and <strong>J&uuml;rgen Geuter</strong>, known as &quot;tant
            e&quot; and &quot;Germany&#39;s most precise AI critic&quot;, enrich the pan
            el with perspectives on the AI hype that challenge the prevailing narratives
             and the inevitable future proclaimed by AI companies. Irina Nalis, a psycho
            logist and researcher in Digital Humanism, moderates the discussion on the i
            mpact of AI on social structures and democratic participation.</p><p>What is
             needed to make AI safe for democracy? What socially and democratically comp
            atible effects could the EU AI Act also trigger globally? How can the influe
            nce of AI-driven platforms on opinion formation and radicalization tendencie
            s be regulated and instead be productively used for inclusive democracy?</p>
            <p>&nbsp;</p><p>This event is part of &quot;New Perspectives for Action&quot
            ;&nbsp;A project by&nbsp;<a href="https://re-imagine-europe.eu">Re-Imagine E
            urope</a>, a collaboration between <a href="http://www.paradiso.nl">Paradiso
            </a> and&nbsp;<a href="http://www.sonicacts.com">Sonic Acts </a>(NL), <a hre
' (2858 chars) presentedby => public'' (0 chars) eventstylesList => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-01T14:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-01T16:00:00' (19 chars) locationOrder => public1 (integer) language => public'de' (2 chars) moderation => public'' (0 chars) streaming => publicstdClassprototypeobject isLivemedia => public1 (integer) isOctolive => public0 (integer) isInteractive => public0 (integer) isRadiolive => public1 (integer) isDorftv => public0 (integer) isReimagineeurope => public0 (integer) isWeareeurope => public0 (integer) isTranslated => public0 (integer) oktoTermin => public0 (integer) oktoTerminBegin => publicNULL oktoTerminEnd => publicNULL appearances => publicarray(4 items) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public2704 (integer) artist => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public2456 (integer) name => public'Julia Ebner' (11 chars) subtitle => public'' (0 chars) shortcode => public'ebner' (5 chars) country => public'at' (2 chars) labels => publicarray(empty) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) event => public890 (integer) title => publicNULL artistOverrideName => publicNULL type => public'' (0 chars) description => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-01T14:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-01T16:00:00' (19 chars) outputOrder => public1 (integer) dailyFeatureOrder => public0 (integer) 1 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public2711 (integer) artist => publicstdClassprototypeobject id => public2463 (integer) name => public'Tabea Glindemann' (16 chars) subtitle => public'' (0 chars) shortcode => public'glindemann' (10 chars) country => public'de' (2 chars) labels => publicarray(empty) track => public'discourse' (9 chars) event => public890 (integer) title => publicNULL artistOverrideName => publicNULL type => public'' (0 chars) description => public'' (0 chars) timeBegin => public'2024-03-01T14:30:00' (19 chars) timeEnd => public'2024-03-01T16:00:00