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Error 404: Reality Not Found - An Excursion into the World of False Realities and Real Fakes.


Saturday, 02 Mar 2024

10:00 - 12:00Heimatsaal

Mimikama is one of the leading platforms for uncovering online misinformation in the German-speaking region. Andre Wolf, who is also actively involved in the Federal Office for Sect Issues in the "Conspiracy Theories" committee and the No Hate Speech Committee Austria, will share his extensive experience in analyzing online content and misinformation during this workshop.

Digital media shapes our era. Therefore, it is essential to possess the competence to critically question internet content and expose manipulations. Andre Wolf, one of the leading German-speaking experts in the field, will show you, specifically using examples of war images and videos on social media, how to improve your handling of war-related content and recognize often one-sided perspectives.

The event also sheds light on the role of algorithms and the responsibility of social media platforms. The conclusion of the workshop includes insights into the latest detection methods and tools to verify the authenticity of images. In the era of advanced AI technologies capable of generating deceptively realistic results, it is crucial to understand the distinguishing features between genuine and fake.

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