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Ben Knight (de/EN)

Ben Knight is a British-German journalist, film-maker, and occasional play and screenplay translator in Berlin. He has written in English for the Guardian, the Observer, Prospectthe New StatesmanDeutsche WelleExberlinerthe Berlin Policy JournalTruthout, and Vice, and in German for tazder FreitagFluterDummy, Der Wedding, and Froh!

Feature articles have covered the German arms trade, Scientology in Berlin, zoophilia in western Germany, pagan cults in eastern Germany, illegal fishing in Sierra Leone, Oktoberfest in Palestine, Stalin statues in Georgia, and other things up to and including colonic irrigation.

In 2021, published an investigation into corruption in the Chinese health care system with the US-based investigative group 100Reporters, and AP, thanks to a McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism.

He is co-hosting a weekly German politics podcast called Megan’s Megacan, with Exberliner.

At Elevate, he will present his film "We´re All Going To Die" about coping with apocalyptic dread.